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How to choose a mattress?

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How to choose a mattress?


Mattresses are the fastest sickle to cut leeks in the home market. If you buy an international brand mattress offline, it is highly likely that you have already been slaughtered. If you are about to buy, it is recommended that you be cautious. Firstly, most people will blindly pursue big brands.

Secondly, it also depends on the materials used, which falls right into the hands of capitalists. By adding a little bit of material and giving you a bunch of fancy names, this combination of punches can transform a mattress that originally cost a few thousand yuan into a high-end mattress that costs tens of thousands of yuan.

Mattresses are essentially mechanical combinations between different materials, and a reasonable combination is the key.

Today, Sleepfine will discuss with you the most important concerns about whether to buy a soft or hard mattress, how to choose various materials, and how to choose spring layers. We will explain in simple and easy to understand how to choose a mattress.

Spring mattress

You should know that our spine has a normal physiological curve, and there is also a significant difference in width between the waist, middle, and buttocks. Therefore, a hard mattress will inevitably cause the waist to be suspended and the buttocks and shoulders to be compressed, which is not conducive to normal development. Apart from those who have become accustomed to sleeping on a hard bed for a long time and are unable to sleep on a soft bed, or those who have a spinal disease doctor who explicitly requires a hard bed, I suggest that everyone choose a mattress that feels soft and has good support.

The purpose of softness is to allow the mattress to fill our suspended waist, providing good support and ensuring that our heavier parts do not sink. What kind of material is suitable for the characteristics of soft sleep and good support? The focus is on the second point.

material quality

At present, common materials include coconut palm, latex, and memory cotton. If you need a hard bed, go check it out. However, it should be noted that there are currently two processes for coconut palm: adhesive and hot pressing.

Mattress material

If you don't want to absorb formaldehyde for more than a decade, go buy a hot pressed one. It's actually easy to distinguish. The one that can be easily separated is the hot pressing process, and if you need a soft bed, you have to look at the memory cotton.

Memory cotton and latex have similar softness, but latex has a high elasticity. It's okay to lie down for a short time. After a whole night of sleep, it gives the whole body an upward elasticity, which is not conducive to relaxation.

Those who are good at blowing latex happen to have a piece of oxidized and fallen latex in my hand. Take a look, so just listen to what's said online.

Thirdly, how to choose the spring layer?

When it comes to springs, there are a lot of fancy names such as brushed, raised, Miaoer buckle, and Bonnier. In fact, there are only two types of springs, one is a full mesh spring and the other is an independent bagged spring. Ordinary people don't want to step on the pit, so they directly choose an independent bagged spring. Each spring is packaged independently and does not interfere with each other. When one person wakes up, it does not affect the rest of the other half.


Bag spring

In addition, it is possible to better fit and support the body according to the different pressures on different parts of the body. At present, there are also soft and hard partition mattresses on the market, with three partition, five partition, and even seven partition, and twelve partition mattresses. Therefore, we only recommend three partition mattresses here. After all, the waist and hip positions of people who are 1.5 meters tall and 1.8 meters tall are also different.

After listening to my explanation, everyone now knows how to choose the mattress that suits them!