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The first time I bought a mattress, I got my hands on a safe mattress made by SLEEPFINE - “Thank you, Minnie for your mattress recommendation”.


The first time I bought a mattress, I got my hands on a safe mattress made by SLEEPFINE - “Thank you, Minnie for your mattress recommendation”.


Every time I listen to the swordfish talk about mattresses, I feel that he has a lot of input into the mattress! Finally came to the present to buy the first mattress in life, immediately without saying a word to go to the store of the swordfish shopping!


Once inside the store, the swordfish let us change into indoor slippers, explain to us the store mattresses and types of arrangements, and understand our preferences for mattresses soft and hard, after hearing that we like hard mattresses, the swordfish suggested a few mattresses, a little bit of explanation, we want to try to lie down to see that each mattress is covered with a cleaning mattress, do not have to worry about getting dirty.

More importantly, the sweet swordfish at this time very relieved to go down to the first floor, let us in the second floor crazy in each mattress roll around, own shopping malls are most afraid of encountering the most urgent staring at the service staff, so the swordfish allows guests to try to lie down the mattresses of the action of a great plus points! For those who like to be left alone, Minnie highly recommends the mattresses at the ABATSU!

Professional presentation and explanation

Xiao Minzi mattress purchasing process to play the spirit of the problem students to chase hard, asked a lot of questions, after all, the store mattresses compared to the big box stores and TV shopping mattresses high, must thoroughly understand the value of the price spent! After listening to the detailed and professional explanations of Akihabara, I felt more confident in choosing a mattress!


After returning home again seriously browse the website of the swordfish, only to find out that their own homework are not done, many mattress introduction and material analysis on the website listed clearly, in a series of articles to clear up the mattress buying myths, intend to buy a mattress friends must read in detail to avoid spending money in vain!

Immediate after-sales service, do not do mattress orphans
Mattress delivery day encountered rainy days, the driver hard first mattress delivery, with instructions, instructions mentioned in the two-year full warranty to replace the new bed, the 10-year warranty warranty service so that people are very assured, and more importantly, after-sales service is done very well.

Dear Kiboko.


Oh my god, I am so touched by your post! I'm so impressed with your dedication in the kitchen.


Your recommendations are so professional and detailed that we are really touched and embarrassed... Thank you so much.


Although it was only once a week for 2 hours as a classmate for only 2 months, I am really glad to know you are such a great friend and classmate, and when you needed a mattress 2 years later, you still came to us, thank you very much.


And the mattress can let you do not mind, did not let you disappointed, let me even more happy, not to mention surprisingly come to such a long mattress documentary recommendation, once again, thank you very much, but also congratulate you on your new marriage happy oh!


Keep in touch with us in the future, and we'll do our best to help with any questions or problems you may have.